- Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код
19:51:28:216 aa8 commandline: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool coinotron.com:3344 -ewal Sando_83.001 -esm 2 -epsw x -dpool http://dcr.suprnova.cc:9111 -dwal Sando_83.rig2 -dpsw x -allpools 1
19:51:28:216 aa8
19:51:28:221 aa8 є Claymore's Dual Ethereum + Decred AMD GPU Miner v4.1 є
19:51:28:221 aa8
19:51:28:421 aa8 ETH: 1 pool is specified
19:51:28:421 aa8 DCR: 1 pool is specified
19:51:28:966 aa8
Cards available: 6
19:51:28:966 aa8 GPU #0: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 32 units
19:51:28:966 aa8 GPU #1: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 32 units
19:51:28:966 aa8 GPU #2: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 32 units
19:51:28:966 aa8 GPU #3: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 32 units
19:51:28:966 aa8 GPU #4: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 32 units
19:51:28:966 aa8 GPU #5: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 32 units
19:51:28:966 aa8 Total cards: 6
19:51:28:966 aa8 Initializing...
19:51:28:966 aa8 POOL version
19:51:28:966 aa8 b126
19:51:41:824 aa8 GPU #0: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards)
19:51:41:824 aa8 GPU #1: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards)
19:51:41:824 aa8 GPU #2: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards)
19:51:41:824 aa8 GPU #3: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards)
19:51:41:824 aa8 GPU #4: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards)
19:51:41:824 aa8 GPU #5: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards)
19:51:42:239 328 ETH: Stratum - connecting to 'coinotron.com' <> port 3344
19:51:42:289 328 send: {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": []}
19:51:42:289 328 send: {"id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["Sando_83.001","x"]}
19:51:42:289 328 ETH: Stratum - Connected (coinotron.com:3344)
19:51:42:329 c58 DCR - connecting to dcr.suprnova.cc:9111
19:51:42:329 c58 http send request: {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
19:51:42:334 aa8 Decred HTTP requests time (-dcrt) is set to 10
19:51:42:334 aa8 miner-proxy stratum mode
19:51:42:334 aa8 "-allpools" option is set, default pools can be used for devfee, check "Readme" file for details.
19:51:42:339 aa8 Watchdog enabled
19:51:42:339 aa8
19:51:42:389 328 got 107 bytes
19:51:42:389 328 buf: {"error": null, "id": 1, "result": [["mining.notify", "052f72f3f3fe43c2828a4707fb53758b"], "080032C4", 4]}
19:51:42:389 328 parse packet: 99
19:51:42:389 328 new buf size: 0
19:51:42:439 328 got 343 bytes
19:51:42:439 328 buf: { "id": null, "method": "mining.set_difficulty", "params": [65000]}
{"params": ["41053", "0x786389262d5829d6f29c9b61543c8517fd8afffd8126aa2fca0b71ca5a45d6d4","0x95d53b63d0b531598853dfe1f1271a355a583c442d509d228ff92a2b0a0d801a","0x00000001021C6B811646A3E72C0428B53B747BE36419959127EB95407F09FCE9", true], "id": null, "method": "mining.notify"}
19:51:42:439 328 parse packet: 62
19:51:42:439 328 remove first packet 268
19:51:42:439 328 new buf size: 268
19:51:42:439 328 parse packet: 268
19:51:42:439 328 eth: job changed
19:51:42:439 328 new buf size: 0
19:51:42:444 c08 Setting DAG epoch #49...
19:51:42:509 c58 http got answer: {"id":0,"error":null,"result":{"data":"010000008bb63db5ffe1859cabb726737e1c88b8c58567bbb57a8cdd4a14000000000000f5dfcc4575af1e1d4b6146a462d387869d5ed91428e561bd757dff3c0857f9f8f8ca2ef33be514b3cc842630bb721e2390c0b13712cf80c9a8e31671b22f617801004530e89eade30500000074a30000c8d71d1a9f85aebf00000000d26800001b0a00009c113257000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000100000000000005a0","target":"ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff3f00000000"}}
19:51:42:509 c58 DCR: Connected (dcr.suprnova.cc:9111)
19:51:42:509 c58 DCR job updated
19:51:42:514 328 got 101 bytes
19:51:42:514 328 buf: {"error": null, "id": 2, "result": true}
{ "id": 9876, "method": "client.get_version", "params": []}
19:51:42:514 328 parse packet: 36
19:51:42:514 328 ETH: Authorized
19:51:42:514 328 remove first packet 54
19:51:42:514 328 new buf size: 54
19:51:42:514 328 parse packet: 54
19:51:42:514 328 send: {"error": null, "id": 9876, "result": "eth 1.0"}
19:51:42:514 328 new buf size: 0
19:51:44:146 c0c Setting DAG epoch #49 for GPU #3
19:51:44:146 150 Setting DAG epoch #49 for GPU #5
19:51:44:146 150 Create GPU buffer for GPU #5
19:51:44:146 c68 Setting DAG epoch #49 for GPU #0
19:51:44:146 c68 Create GPU buffer for GPU #0
19:51:44:146 c20 Setting DAG epoch #49 for GPU #1
19:51:44:146 c20 Create GPU buffer for GPU #1
19:51:44:151 c1c Setting DAG epoch #49 for GPU #2
19:51:44:151 c1c Create GPU buffer for GPU #2
19:51:44:151 c08 Setting DAG epoch #49 for GPU #4
19:51:44:156 c08 Create GPU buffer for GPU #4
19:51:44:156 c0c Create GPU buffer for GPU #3