Your shares and mods can be converted into 1 ASIC unit(s).
One asic unit is minimum number of chips mounted to boards which can be shipped.
Board characteristics, opting for conversion deadline, shipping and other details are available via news or Q&A sessions.
Note: users which deposited to maintenance fee account and request shares to hardware conversion, will get their maintenance fee deposited to balance for withdrawal (minus payments already sent - if payment was done in different coin than BTC, the payment will be converted to BTC at the rate used during payment.) All pending payments before conversion request will be cancelled. This operation may take up to 48 hours.
1 ASIC unit(s) reserved.
4000 ASICShares converted.
0 FarmShares left
0 HWShares left
2000 ASICShares left
2nd Gen pre-shares left
0 X11 MOD M1 left
0 X11 MOD M2 left
0 Dual MOD M1 left
0 Dual MOD M2 left
0 Dual MOD M8 left
0 Dual MOD M10 left
0 Dual MOD M3 left.
To request conversion, press "Convert" button. Conversion is not reversible.
Това пък какво е ? Някой друг отварял ли е такова нещо ? По принцип имам 6000 акции които ми отчита във дясно