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https://forum.gethashing.com/t/not-payi ... s/2031/882
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dobo79 написа:Някой ми е платил малка част от дължимата такса....
Hello everyone,
First I would like to thank you for posting your information to the form. It has been a tremendous help in presenting a case to the lawyers solicited. The purpose of this email is to report that status of the case. It has been 2 weeks since the case has been submitted.
Out of the 10 offices solicited it has now been narrowed down to two that seems to offer the best dialogue regarding the case.
In the last 2 weeks I engaged the two offices in the details of the case. I wrote up a 32 page explanation of my account and interactions with LTCGear since 2012. I provided as much detail as possible, quoting previous websites, providing links referencing other customer's stories when I could. I also submitted a collection of information I documented while I was in Romania.
I cannot provide more details at this time but I can say that the likelihood of getting the case to trial is very high. The two firms I'm working with have on staff prosecutors that rank top 10 in the country. In addition they estimate that they would not file the case with a contingency fee. Instead they would require roughly $50k - 75k USD total upfront which they expect to be the full amount in fees for about 12 to 18 months of the case, which would include, the investigation, court filings, soliciting expert witnesses, IT forensics. The estimates are based on a case with damages of $30 million USD. Again this is only preliminary and is for past due funds since December. It does not take into account the amount each of us invested into ltcgear and assets held by the company, the value of assets at the time of purchase or when expected funds were to be paid out.
The structure of the case is not set in stone yet, they are still trying to determine what would benefit all participants so please do not take the numbers I presented as anything more than hypothetical. There may also be a minimum fee that would be required by each participant in the case that is yet to be determined.
I still have few more calls to make and at some point we may be required to do a teleconference with all participants at a data to be determined.
What I need from you. Please reply to this email that you authorize me to submit your email address to the law offices. The previous information I submitted was anonymous, only providing accounts by country, and shares owned. Also if you no longer have an account with LTCGear please let me know as well so that you can be removed from the list.
I will be providing more information/updates going forward as well as soliciting everyone for more information, suggestions for the case.
Andrzej Lipski
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