Питане за съобщение от Nicehash

Новини за Bitcoin и криптовалутите

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Питане за съобщение от Nicehash

Мнениеот mitio123 » 23 Дек 2021, 13:13

Здравейте, някой може ли да ми разясни това съобщение от Nicehash, досега ползвам само портфейла от акаунта ми там, нужно ли е да се прави друг портфейл или някакво действие въобще?

Coinbase free withdrawals (off chain) will be gradually phased out
Dear NiceHash users,

Coinbase free withdrawals (off chain) will be gradually phased out. This process will happen in two stages:
From Tuesday the 14th of December, off chain Coinbase withdrawals (free) will be set with a fee to match the regular blockchain withdrawals. This means when making a withdrawal to Coinbase you will pay the same as a regular withdrawal, which is currently 0.000005 BTC (about $0.25 at time of press) or more based on Blockchain conditions.
On the 1st of January 2022, the off chain Coinbase withdrawal feature will be removed from our platform.
The Coinbase minimum withdrawal amount will remain at 0.0005 (about $25 at time of press), the same amount needed for regular withdrawals.
We would like to highlight that after this transition, you will still be able to withdraw to Coinbase.

Coinbase withdrawals will take place like a regular blockchain withdrawal. To do so, you must add your Coinbase wallet address to your NiceHash account by following these steps. Then proceed to make a withdrawal by following these instructions.
We would also like to inform you that you can withdraw or exchange your funds via other methods inside your account:
Via our partner Banxa, using the ‘SELL’ function if you wish to convert directly to Fiat currency instead of transferring to Coinbase. This feature currently supports 4 Fiat currencies, with more coming early next year.
Via Lightning Network, free and instant. See how to do this here.
Via Euro exchange with our partners Kriptomat. See how to do this here.
Мнения: 3
Регистриран на: 02 Май 2021, 10:48

Re: Питане за съобщение от Nicehash

Мнениеот jamesdavidso » 27 Дек 2021, 15:46

Не виждам повод за притеснение. Аз лично тегля през LN към moon портфейл, после изпращам към Coinomi.
Мнения: 378
Регистриран на: 17 Фев 2018, 19:52

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